Days 112 & 113 Report

.Days 112 & 113 - 15 & 16/9/07 - 25kms Upstream of Mannum

Steve's Report: Because we were camped at Waikerie I didn't get on the water until 10.00am. Weather was average so I made good time and got to Bowhill some 55km downstream. There was a houseboat going the same way at about 8km per hour so that kept me amused for three hours. He didn't win the race but did toot his horn a lot.

At about 10.00pm I got fairly crook and vomited a lot of the night. Decided on Sunday I was in no condition to paddle and about 9.00am went to Mannum hospital. They were really great, admitted me, got morphine, maxalon and a drip into me within and hour. By mid afternoon I could hold down half a glass of water and by night time I knew I was on the mend.

JC was terrific and I couldn't ask for a better mate. He had his own troubles though as we had gale force winds. The tent poles split and he had some repair work but he got it all down and shifted to Mannum. Then he went in to Adelaide to pick up Kareen and bring her out to join the support team.
In all a pretty eventful day on Sunday.

It is looking like a 29th Sept finish in Adelaide. This is AFL grand final day.

Low water levels mark this section of the river De ja vu That's me - sensitive new age guy
There are a lot of boats high and dry like this
so levels must have dropped reasonably
quickly. Certainly muddy areas are still wet
De ja vu again They were all still coming up river except one
Just me and the pelican in the rain Some different banks Master chef at work
Thought I was in the Alice Springs View Satellite Map View from where I am