Day 115 Report

.Day 115 - 18/9/07 - Bowhill to Murray Bridge

Steve's Report: Started the day at 7.30am under pretty much ideal conditions. By 12:15 I was at the Mannum camp site and by 1.00pm after lunch I decided to keep going despite having made a decision to keep the days small after the hospital trip.

As luck would have it Murray Bridge was a convenient distance downstream and I anticipated a 6.00pm finish. It was actually dark by the time I got there but it made for a very satisfying 73km for the day. No a bad bounce back seeing as I had been in hospital the day before I thought.

Possible program to finish based on what we think the weather is up to:
Lake Alexandrina - Friday 21/9/07
Exit Murray Mouth - Saturday 22/9/07
Dash 65km to Cape Jervis - Monday 24/9/07
Finish in Adelaide - Friday afternoon 28/9/07

Back on the water at Bowhill Impressive paddle boat Coming into Mannum. About 1/3 from the left, near the
tree, is the hospital. If ever you get sick you want to
hope you are near a place like this. They were terrific
These guys coming up the river are pretty wide.
Only two of them though and they don't look so tough
View Satellite Map I think this is the pumping station for Adelaide.
Note that it is getting late