Days 69 to 71 Report

.Day 69 to 71 - 3/8/07 - Cleaning Up in Broken Hill

What bliss. Our pores are open again after a steaming shower. Last shower was Monday night so the clay was starting to get to us. Jonathan asked if I reckoned we stank. I said I didn't think so, I was usually aware if I had B.O. but I was wondering about that because I hadn't been using deodorant except when I showered. When I put the deodeorant on, its smell was very strong. Maybe we are getting used to our smell, maybe there is no problem. Who cares anyway as we are both happy.

Broken Hill is like being a kid in a lolly shop. There is everything here. We have fixed everything. Fixed the puncture, bought a saw and cut down the side table for the trailer so it fits in the back of the ute, bought a new spade (Jonathan had broken the last one burying a big job and the lack of a shovel was contributing to my worries listening to all the rain on the tent), and Peter at Shannons Electrical helped get the inverter working again so we can charge batteries once more. Thanks Peter. He would not accept any payment. Oh, and we bought a more solid tripod for the video camera which is much easier and more stable to use.

You have to look closely but notice how thick the mud is Wheels getting sticky before Steve called
it a day and before the rain. The diameter
is just about double
Most of the mud did come off. A lot of it is
on me but you can't see it due to the
colour co-ordinated Columbia trousers
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