Day 97 Report

.Day 97 - 31/9/07 - Into Renmark

Steve's Report: Another stroke of luck! Yesterday I was heading north west and the wind was from the north west. Today I am heading south east and the wind is from the south, south east. Ah well, I was told this would happen.

Dave Alexander and his son Kurt have just teleophoned from the gate of the caravan park so I will send this to MC2 to post and go and see them. I have enjoyed today with no paddling. My hands were getting sore from the extra pressure battling the winds.

The camp that nearly got blown away Chowilla Creek (for the Watergates guys) The bank at Chowilla Creek
Grape vines on top of the cliffs Cliff close up The first set of irrigation pumps on the trip
that I could here working
About to turn right and head into
20 knots on the nose
The first time I have seen an emu swimming Renmark finally after six days
and more than 260km
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