Steve Posselt

There is plenty to read about me on this site but the trip is not about me. It is about the issues. Most importantly though, this would not have been a success without the support of a great many people. To everyone who has helped, please accept my heartfelt thanks. On this page is a group of people who have worked long and hard to make this trip, and the means to convey the message, become a reality. Please read what they have to say.
If you feel that you would like to support the trip in any way, by paddling a section, by promoting kayak4earth, by donation, or any other way you wish, please contact the relevant person below.

You can also contact me at:
David Ryan - Trip Support - July 8 to July 22 2007

I graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Enviromental Engineering last year.

I will be supporting Steve for two weeks as a driver. It is an excellent opportunity to take time out to learn more about climate change and meeting those directly affected by water policymaking decisions.
Jonathan Posselt - Trip Support - Starting July 24

I am preparing to travel overseas to Canada to work in September and until then decided to help Dad out for the next


I graduated from Uni in 2005 and in 2006 moved to the Gold Coast to work so I could pursue my passion of surfing in my spare time. Dad and I have surfed a lot together over the years and we both enjoy the water and the challenge. The water and challenge out west however is going to be a new experience for me.

I’m looking forward to spending time with Dad before I leave for overseas.
Amanda Posselt - Media

Perhaps Amanda is a chip off the old block. She is interested in water and the changing climate, but would say she has more sense than her old man. She is trying her hand at marketing this adventure and in her spare time is undertaking a PhD with the Australian Rivers Institute.

Why did I become involved? Global warming is too big an issue to stand back and hope the pollies get it right. Action needs to be taken and the best way to ensure action is to create awareness. I think an old guy (sorry Dad) in a funny kayak travelling a ridiculously long way will attract attention.

You can contact Amanda at:
Peter Brown - Sponsors & Supporters

I first became aware that mans activity was ruining the planet five years ago. I went to New Zealand to walk the Milford Track. During that trip I went to see the Franz Joseph Glacier. It had retreated some 16 kilometers up the valley and was a mere shadow of its magnificence. I concluded that climate change and the burning of fossil fuels could be the only cause and if it caused this change in the remote South Island of New Zealand – the rest of the world was doomed.

Some people see hopelessness and destruction coming – and don’t know what to do. In my circle of acquaintances – only Steve had the passion and determination to do something to bring attention to this problem. Those within reach of Steve or his e-mails have had an education in science, history, geography and climate change as he draws all into his passion.

It is the likes of Steve, standing against big business, accepted thinking, complacency and skeptics, who in the long run will make a difference and maybe just maybe save our planet.

Contact Peter at:

Jenny Cobbin - Schools

I’ve known Steve a long time; he is from a rare breed that leads rather than follows and does so with a passion and energy that leaves most of us breathless. Turning that energy towards tackling global warming issues particularly in relation to water, something I also feel passionate about, made assisting Steve in his quest an easy decision.

Working in the wastewater industry since1978 and in later years as a Landscape Architect in the area of recycled water, I am aware of how much water is being wasted. The water shortage currently being experienced may be the wakeup call Australia needs to take the threat of global warming seriously.

Today’s school leavers will face the full impact of past practices and impending global warming and there will be tough decisions ahead of them. Steve’s K4e journey will provide a valuable opportunity for schools to impart to their students the latest professional knowledge of where this country is heading and immediate issues being faced in relation to water resources and global warming. I look forward to making contact with Australia’s future leaders.

Jenny can be contacted at:
Vikki Uhlmann - Councils - Mid May to July 28 2007

I’m a farm girl with multidisciplinary qualifications (psychology and management and a PhD in sustainable water and sanitation).

Ever since I had to share the bath water with my 3 other siblings I have had an interest in water and sustainability. I get bored easily if I am not learning, but my interest in living sustainably has grown despite many career changes. My work across a range of sectors has been characterized by creative thinking, and socially just, holistic, participatory and multi-disciplinary approaches to achieving real outcomes.

I like the challenge of trying new ways of thinking and doing and I have a number of firsts in my career. And I like to work with people who have a passion for life; so crewing for Steve was a natural choice.

During Steve’s adventure, I will be working with Councils along the way to organize forums for their community on climate change and how they can live more sustainably with water both now and in the future.

Vikki has
accepted a voluntary position in Indonesia for the next twelve months. The K4e team thank her for the work she has done on behalf of the journey.
John Crocker - Design & Manufacturing & Support Team

This is John Crocker working on the Support Crew's trailer at 6.30am on a Sunday morning. The wheels and pulling systems for the kayak are John's design. Everything has worked out well so far, just another few thousand kilometres to go to be sure. When we get to the other end thanks must go to John for his efforts and skills, without which the trip would not have had such good designs.

Kareen Crocker

Never one to break with tradition, I have left my little story to the last day (usually my uni assignments are written the day before they are due, doh! Hmmm I hope my uni lecturers don’t see that admission). I am a Mental Health Nurse by profession/trade. Dad (John) asked me if I wanted to be support crew for Steve in September, I had planned to take some time off in September, so I said yes and here I am, traveling around South Australia in a twin cab ute, taking photos of anything and everything I see and, every now and then, taking a few photos or filming Steve paddling/walking with his Kayak. I am also becoming quite adept at tent erection and demolition… I mean taking the tent down…
Nell Tyson

Joining Steve at this late stage in this incredible journey as another support crew member. When I arranged to come along Steve thought he'd be starting the Murray section about now, but is so much further along that it will be a short time only that I'll be helping out with this very worthwhile expedition.

Unlike all the others, I am a complete stranger to the team. I saw the 7.30 Report story back in June when Steve was in Nth NSW, was inspired by the whole sheebang, since I had for several years thought and talked about doing something similar but on the Murray only. So here is someone actually doing it!!!! Email....... volunteer ....... make a date.......get on a plane....
and join in the adventure. I do a bit of paddling, at home in Tassie - nothing grand but this may be the impetus I need to one day do my big trip and also help to spread the message........ Have been saying for ages that the "2 men in a tinny" should be running the country -and now we can add Steve to that!