Day 10 - 21/4/08 - Kenilworth to Traveston Crossing Bridge
What an easy day. Only 49km and I was at the Traveston Crossing bridge.
The going was easy with frequent fast sections. Most impressively there were some areas that looked natural with the trees almost touching overhead. It was thoroughly enjoyable through these sections.
Interestingly, when the river does not look so pretty, you can always find evidence of cattle. There is one farm near the dam site that has fenced off cattle from the river. Although this has only been for 14 years the difference is quite staggering. It seems that she oaks and bottle brushes start and then rainforest trees follow a bit further up the bank.
It is a very sad thing to paddle through such beauty and know that the plan is to cover it with water. Scientifically it is also difficult to come to terms with the greenhouse gases that will be produced when all of this beauty is destroyed.
And to think that this is all happening because of egos or stubbornness, with no thinking through of the scientific consequences is very difficult to stomach. You keep thinking that sanity will prevail in the end but there has been no evidence of that so far.
The Kandanga pub is a great place. We had a beer and met some locals. They have really had a job done on them and the social issues are huge. Although it fills me with despair, these social issues are for others. There is enough just in looking at the physical and scientific aspects to keep me occupied.
In the dam |
Lake MacDonald takeoff |
In the dam area |
Steve near Traveston |
In the dam again |