Day 13 - 24/4/08 - Miva Bridge to Tiaro
Only 38km covered today due to commitments at Theebine school, Tiaro school and a crowd at Maryborough.
After drying out nicely I came across a drop that was bigger than the Gympie weir. The kayak shipped a few bucket loads of water straight over the front so I had a wet bum yet again.
We pulled out at Tiaro to come down for a staged entry into Maryborough. This was because the next day is Anzac Day and it would be wrong to detract from the importance of that day.
There was a great crowd of people. Overwhelmingly they do not understand why something as appallingly bad as this dam does not attract more publicity. My answer to them is that the Queensland Water Commission, on behalf of the government have done a very, very slick job with their propaganda. For some reason Brisbane people are not understanding that they are being conned. They do not need this dam to get their water. They are worried about water restrictions and yet they would not have had water restrictions had it not been for poor planning in the past. In 1993, Brisbane water professionals could see the writing on the wall.
If I were the Water Commissioner there would not be water restrictions. They are a clumsy control mechanism borne out of old fashioned thinking just like this dam. Perhaps Jenifer Simpson is right when she refers to these people as dinosaurs.
Maryborough crowd on bridge |
Maryborough crowd |
Old & new bridges |
Conferring with John |
Arriving at Tiaro |