Day 1 Report

Day 1 - 27/5/07 - Brisbane to Goodna

Bruce's Report. "After a hectic morning with interviews and farewells from lots of supporters Steve got underway at around 1:00PM and arrived in the dark at Goodna Boat Ramp at 8:15PM, tired but very happy about how well the day went."

Steve's Report: "The media interest was fantastic and Lord Mayor Campbell Newman was just terrific. He understood exactly what we are trying to achieve and he spoke very eloquently about climate change. Amanda looked after proceedings and did that very well. As well as doing the MC job she controlled the media so that in the time available we maximised coverage but managed to get away on time.

The start was slow, bloody slow. The six function water quality probe is really hard to push through the water. I only got to Goodna before I pulled out. That was over seven hours hard effort and to tell the truth I was buggered. The extra effort really takes it out of me and it is demoralising to be going at about 50% of the speed that I know feels right. Day two will not be any better but at least that is the last of the probe work.
Check out the the data collected by the probe here.

Steve is farewelled on the banks of the Brisbane River by Lord Mayor Campbell Newman
Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice