Day 109 Report

.Day 109 - 12/9/07 - Waikere to Morgan

Steve's Report: Well, we seem to have settled into things quite well. John has got things sorted out the way he wants. Sorry Jonathan, he found two spoons that he thought had started to grow. He says you have to come home some time and he will sort you out then. I think he will forget it in a year's time though. We even have a door mat for the tent now.

John has talked to just about everyone. Surprise, surprise. There was a lady here at the camp site who recognised him from the web site so he is now famous. He got to Morgan early yesterday and went across the river a few times chatting to the ferry man.

The paddle was long but pretty easy today and we covered Wakerie to Morgan where the river stops heading west and turns south. Tomorrow is a late start as we go to Morgan school.

Friday we have to come back to Wakerie to see the school there and the Water Resources Minister.

We took water samples at Waikerie and will take another lot at Morgan and send them off to Simmonds and Bristow. Morgan is the key point on the Murray that is used to check water quality apparently. It is the bench mark location. So, we had better get some S&B sampling done.

The start of another day at the office. Tough eh? Typical pumping station in the area Little bit of a head wind but not bad
Lock 2 upstream. Note bank height and trees Downstream of lock 2.
Again note bank height and trees
Another floodplain. They say the redgums
need a drink but for many it is all over
Two geese in a nest. They were not moving
even though I could almost touch them
Pumping station at Mogan that pumps water to Whyalla For the Watergates team.
Whyalla PS intake bulkhead gates
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