Day 119 Report

.Day 119 - 22/9/07 - Goolwa to Victor Harbour

No photos from me, sorry. The Olympus tough didn't like the dunking and will not work. Both radios are buggered too. Today we went back to the mouth, getting bogged on the way, and I paddled back upstream to Goolwa. On the way I crossed the barrage and took water samples for Simmonds and Bristow downstream and at Goolwa. The trip was very wet with a 35 knot northerly. 

Then it was back walking again at lunch time, about 20km to the camp site at Victor Harbour. Tomorrow I will walk over the pensinsula, Monday and Tuesday paddle to Glenelg, and then walk into the city on Wednesday. That is the current plan anyway but for followers to date, you will know things change at the drop of a hat. The trip over the peninsula is only 34km but is quite hilly so I am not sure that I will get it done.

Yesterday we were lucky, Randal Cooper at Goolwa Masts and Sails managed to fix up a pretty difficult break in the aluminium rudder . All I have to do in return is to get to Adelaide safely.

It sure is different here to what I am used to. There was no-one we could talk to about the sea in the area. We started at the information office where a guy called Gordon was really helpful. He gave us the sea rescue number which turned out to be the local police. They found out that the system was they would ring the the sea rescue guys who would contact me. In the end I got a call from Senior Constable Menz at the Water Police in Adelaide. He was great and gave me information about the winds and we had a good discussion. Without a radio there was no way I was setting out and the weather conditions were not what I was going to attempt anyway. The system was so convoluted that the water police had the story entirely wrong. Oh to be back home where I could just go and have a chat with a local sea rescue station and get the low down and make a decision with the guys.

Fixing the rudder after Randal
( the guy in the blue shirt) welded it for us

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