Day 124 Report

.Day 124 - 26/9/07 - Returning to Brisbane

Steve's Report: We packed up and left Adelaide at 4.00am Thursday and headed for Broken Hill via Menindee, arriving about lunch time. After a lot of thought we picked Menindee school to receive the data projector and screen. That wasn't really smart because it was quite a distance out of our way but it was done on merit.

In summary we thought that this is the school where it could do the most good. The school is setting up links with other schools in the area to talk about the Darling River and environmental issues via their SRC (Student Representative Council). In particular the goal is to agitate and be a thorn in the side of governments which is something I wholeheartedly applaud.

Other schools that caused a big impression included the letters from Rangeville which I will cherish forever, the excellent school at St Marys (both Toowoomba) and who could forget my fellow legends at Morgan. That said though, I and the team have excellent memories from a great number of schools and we thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your life.

So kids, remember that if it is sustainable you can do it forever. If you can't do it forever it is not sustainable. And for you bigger guys that I talked to about science, it is very, very important that you learn and apply it. Don't forget what I said: "It will allow you to smell the bullshit and there is always plenty of that about".

There will be a posting on this site early next week with a summary and an announcement.

I am going to have a sleep.


Presenting datashow & screen to Menindee School   Presenting datashow & screen to Menindee School
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