Days 40 to 43 Report

.Days 40 to 43

5th July: Delivered Bruce and Kerrie to Moree so they could take Carol's car to Sydney for a special 21st birthday. Then headed to Ipswich to take the opportunity to fix some things.

6, 7 & 8th July: Had two teeth fixed. They need crowns but that can wait. I am out of trouble for now. Got the wheel bearing issue fixed! Fitted new bushes to the kayak front wheel steering head. New windscreen on the Navara. Very importantly, did a surprise visit to my father for his 80th birthday. So, with all repairs and jobs done it is back on the road between Goodooga and Brewarrina. This will be bush camping with no internet coverage so next report will be at the end of the week hopefully from near Brewarrina. As we get into more remote areas this is going to happen a bit more often.