Day 46 Report

.Day 46 - 11/7/07 - Less than 50kms to Brewarrina

Today was the first day that locals had come out and walked. The Finlayson family came out from their property with the kids and a couple of horses and we did a few kilometres together.

Now this man is really passionate. His name is Graham Findlayson. He and Cathy have 18,000 acres which used to be a good sized property but is now not considered enough. Graham has split the property into cells where he can turn water troughs on and off and he believes he is gradually improving his property such that everything is sustainable, natural and profitable. He has read widely and believes natural capital is very important and that all businesses should be rated with external costs included. His opinion on clay pans is diametrically opposed to his upstream neighbour. It is important to note that both men are intelligent and care about the land. Maybe there isn't one answer. My beliefs are not important at this stage but it is great to meet people trying to make a difference.

This was where we camped. It was where I
had managed to get the night before but really
anywhere near was pretty much the same
The fan club are watching Check out the phone number (0268744921)
on the sign and come and see these guys.
Make sure you talk to Graham about
sustainable farming. On the horse, Harriet
Finlayson and Lotte Welp(Lotte is holidaying
from Eindhoven Holland and loves Australia),
then Cathy Finlayson with Lily and Kate and
on the right is GrahamFinlayson who was
young farmer of the year 2005
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