Day 48 Report

.Day 48 13/7/07 - Leaving Brewarrina by River

Set off from Brewarina really enjoying being on the water again. Have included a photo from yesterday because I like the shot at the weir. The water is not deep and in some places I hit the bottom. It is clearer than anything I have paddled on so far on the trip. Flow is about the same as that of the Mid-Brisbane River which is the amount of water released from Wivenhoe for Brisbane use.

The river is a bit boring and it bends around a lot. Local rule of thumb is one road kilometre gets the same distance as three river kilometres.

Got a flat tyre which had to be repaired. Although I am not on the road I use the wheels to get the kayak up and down from the river;

Atop the Brewarrina Weir The first of many log jams
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