Day 79 Report

.Day 79 - 13/8/07 - Into Menindee

Steve's Report: Visited the school and set up a meeting for Wednesday. The photos tell the paddling story except that it is windy and not all that pleasant in some stretches. The locals say it will be like this until the end of September with the winds coming mainly from the south west. That's the way I thought I was going in general so I guess it could not really be worse news. But, you take what you get and don't complain.

I may not be that smart but I can tell this is no lake This lot are off to the right so no worries
about copping a white spray
Hey, this looks like a short cut, let's give it a go
Yep, it was. What a beauty. Coming back to the main
channel. Have a very close look on the left. I couldn't
believe it. This is a tour boat coming around the corner!
You can just make it out if you know what you are
looking for. Pat and Malcolm run the tours
and get about 3,000 people per year.
The weir on the Darling above Menindee Back on the river below the weir. This is a weir
pool right past Menindee and where Broken
Hill takes its water supply from
Irrigation pumps again. Haven't seen
any of these for ages
Unbelievable, a fellow kayaker. Mike
is a local out for a paddle
A free cup of tea to finish the day just
upstream of the Menindee township
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