Day 80 Report

.Day 80 - 14/8/07 - Starting Downstream Towards Pooncarie

Steve's Report: Lots to see today and quite a lot of fishermen and people on the banks. Jonathan picked me up just as it was getting dark about 35km downstream of Menindee. Got back to town at 7.00pm to find it packed with Variety Bashers.

The railway bridge at Menindee with the Broken
Hill water supply offtake to the right
Lifting mechanism on the bridge Mark was working on the structure and gave me the
run down. There is chlorination and sedimetation
before the pumps to Broken Hill
Irrigation outlet from the lake. Obviously
not used for a while
On the other side of the outlet ie where
there should be a channel full of water
Looking over weir 32. You have to
study the shot to figure it out
Looking back upstream to weir 32 More reeds after the weir with only
a narrow passage around
Typical Darling again
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