Day 13 Report

.Day 13 - 8/6 & 9/6/07 - South of Bowenville to North of St. Ruth

Bruce's Report: Dropped Steve back on the road outside the Hoopert farm where the kids were catching the bus to school. Chatted with the family and a couple of other farmers as they stopped on their way past. People out here are fantastic.

Left Steve to his wandering and drove back to Dalby where Kerrie and I had some issues with downloading film. We are very happy with the footage but saving huge files is becoming a problem with space on the hard drive.

Picked Steve up 15kms out of Dalby and returned to talk to South Dalby State School.

The Mayor of Dalby, Warwick Giesle, visited Dalby Tourist Park at Myall Creek to hear Steve's presentation on Climate Change. After the presentation we enjoyed sitting round the campfire listening to the park proprietor Dick Martin play his guitar, sing bush ballads and play the harp. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours. Thanks Dick for your generosity and support for K4E.

Steve's Report: We came from Jondaryn across to St. Ruth via Formartin and then up towards Dalby. Too dangerous on the highway.

Today was very quiet. Just 25km on very straight roads, plus a talk at the Dalby State School. Tonight we did a presentation at the Tourist Park in temperatures well below ten degrees. After ours was over the local park owner did a sing song around the camp fire and commented that this was the weather that they normally would have experienced by Anzac Day.

There was no water at all in Oakey Creek so all the water I paddled on did not make it down here. It got sucked up or disappeared into the ground. Given the number of farm dams here and irrigated cotton, I have a pretty fair idea where it went.

Oakey Creek out of Dalby - the
reason Steve is back on the road
Steve outside Dalby South State School
Mayor of Dalby Warwick Giesle
with Kerrie and Steve
Claus and Connor Ringleben and Adrian Hoopert
chatting with Steve on a very cool morning

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Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice