.Day 19 - 14/6/07- Downstream from Condamine Bruce's Report: I wore blue jacket to the pub. Queensland won, so I'm still alive. The locals were very friendly and we survived a cold night in Condamine (+ 0.4 degrees C.) The Channel 7 helicopter flew in and landed on the Condamine State School oval courtesy of Principal Michael Lawrance. The television crew interviewed Steve on the banks of the Condamine and followed him down river for a couple of kims. Thanks to the lovely locals Kerrie and I were able to get access to the river in a couple of spots. At one we were shown places where the traditional aboriginal people sharpened their stone tools. At another we picked Steve up after the river became too narrow to safely navigate. (He paddled 22.08 kms today.) Our GPS and UHF radios got a work out prior to this as we tried to pinpoint Steve's location. Thanks to Bryce Jones for his work with the maps. They work!!! Steve's Report: What a day full of excitement for the kids. Got some great footage which will probably be part of the Channel 7 News Thursday next week. The paddle today was great in the deep bits and absolutely awful in other parts with big logs and rocks to negotiate. After 20km and many deep scratches on the kayak I decided that it was back on the road so tomorrow morning I will start on dirt roads leading away from where I got out today and hope to be in Surat by Sunday night. A lady today was asking Channel 7 and us, to please tell the story about her rivers. She does not want them left like this for her grandchildren. It is a bit hard for all of us not to get emotional over such things.