Day 20 Report

.Day 20 - 15/6/07 - 21 kms Downstream from Condamine Walking towards Glenmorgan

Bruce's Report: I dropped Steve back at the river crossing where he finished the night before and he set off walking the back roads towards Glenmorgan. Kerrie and I broke camp and filmed interviews with Bill Powers, the SES controller for Condamine and Elizabeth, a farmer who served up a delicious lunch of hot lamb sandwiches. Both were concerned about the failing health of the river.

As we headed out to pick Steve up a very friendly policeman pulled up behind us and chatted about the trip. He was very interested in the message of the trip having seen Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth."

We caught up with Steve, picked him up and took him to Glenmorgan one teacher school for a chat with the kids. Peter Brown and partner Jenny met us and we proceeded to Woodlands, the property of Bill and Pam Stallman where we were put up in luxurious accommodation for the next two nights. Peter Brown is a magnificent cook and a delightful evening was spent discussing various topics, eating a delicious seafood gumbo, sipping some very nice wines and enjoying the excellent company.

Bill Powers in front of the SES flood boat which
hasn't had to be used in the last 10 years
The Qld police discussing Global Warming with Kerrie
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Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice