Day 26 Report

Day 26 - 21/6/07 - 63kms South of Surat

Bruce's Report: Kerrie and I broke camp with the help of Troy Nilon, who has to be the busiest man in Surat. Troy had befriended us on the first day and continued to drop in on us to check we were OK. He is typical of the friendly people we continue to meet on this trip.

Finally organised with fresh provisions we headed out with a hot Chiko Roll for Steve. It was luke warm by the time we got to him but he seemed to enjoy it.

Kerrie and I travelled on to Warroo Station where we were to spend the night in the shearer's quarters. After getting squared away and collecting firewood we had a cuppa and a chat with the owners Lynette and Ned Underwood before going back out to the main road to pick up Steve. He had a long day on the road covering 35.7km before we picked him up. Thanks to the Underwoods for their hospitality.

The photo below explains why Steve is walking and not paddling this section.

Troy Nilon and Bruce after packing the trailer The Balonne River at Warroo Bridge.
The reason Steve is walking and not paddling
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Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice