Day 27 Report

Day 27 - 22/6/07 - 83kms South of Surat

Bruce's Report: We travelled 20kms to Wycombe school to talk to the entire school of 4 pupils and had a lovely time. The staff and parents made us most welcome and the cup of coffee and biscuits after Steve's talk were most appreciated. The kids had just completed a unit on Global Warming and renewable energy so Steve's visit was a great culmination for the unit.

The Balonne is still made up of large waterholes with big sandy breaks in between so Steve is back on the road and Kerrie and I are in St George setting up camp. We'll be here for a few days as Steve's daughter Amanda and her partner Matt are visiting over the weekend. Steve is looking forward to the break but continues to push on. He has more visitors coming out but that's a surprise so I'll keep quiet on that one.

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