.Day 28 - 23/6/07 - Into St George Bruce's Report: While having a delightful Chinese meal on Friday evening courtesy of St George Mayor Robert Buchan and wife Desley, Steve's visitors turned up. Don Alcock from Keytext Communication came out to interview Steve while James Horton and Rory Morgan had turned up to walk with Steve. Their walk the today turned out to be full of interest. The first call for help came while Kerrie and I were chasing a new windscreen for the vehicle. We'd picked up a large rock courtesy of a road train - not his fault just a fact of life out here. James called to say that the tyre on the rear of the kayak had developed a leak and was flat. After discovering that the bearing on one of the spare wheels was the wrong size we finally managed to pump up the tyre enough to try to get the kayak into St George. I left them to it and returned to camp via the Beardmore Dam which looked a sorry state with very low water above the wall and what looked like blue-green algae below. The second call for help came shortly after with the front wheel collapsing. This meant two trips in and out of town to get things sorted with a new wheel and bearing. Steve was now close enough to town to have water backed up from the town weir and I managed to find access to the river thanks to the Kapunda Fishing Park. Steve's daughter Amanda and partner Matt arrived in time to see Steve hit the water. The afternoon was spent discussing the water situation with the mayor and a group of concerned locals who had some searching questions for Steve. Afterwards we joined the locals at the local footy ground to watch the Golden Oldies, the Condamine Codgers vs the St George Frailnecks, play some entertaining rugby. We finally made it back to our camp at the excellent Kamarooka Caravan park to stand round the fire chatting with fellow travellers. G'day to Paul and Richard on their way to the Cape. Steve's Report: Saturday was good with James and Rory walking along with me. We did have three gear failures that day though. This was our first significant problem since the start and it was lucky we were near town. It was also good to get some paddling in even if it was only 11km.