Day 37 Report

Day 37- 2/7/07 - Getting Close to the NSW Border - Hebel

Bruce's Report: Broke camp and dropped Steve off at his end point from yesterday. Kerrie and I drove into Hebel and set up camp before doing our homework and exploring the town. Steve arrived at about 3:30PM. The pub looks interesting so may make a stop there.

Steve's Report: 30km of bitumen today. No problems with any gear. Feet are really sore and a tooth fell to bits. In short, the body is complaining a bit. A few beers in the Hebel pub fixed things though.

Hebel pub, not a bad place to pull up at
the end of the day. The blurry camera
musta had one too many.
145km from somewhere (not sure where)

The Hebel Pub
Image by Bruce Lumb
Not a bad sunrise eh?
Image by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice