Day 76 Report

.Day 76- 10/8/07 - Arriving at Tintinalogy

Steve's Report: Tough day with lots of soft stuff. Got 35km done which was pretty good. Big rush of traffic up to the Louth races. 4 KTM's and a Yammy 650 plus maybe 10 cars which is almost double the previous averages. There was a bonus in that we made the top of the weir pool from Menindee so no more walking for a while.

Jonathan's Report: Much the same as yesterday today. The wind kept blowing from the west all day leaving uncomfortable conditions for Steve to walk in.   After a full day of walking (35km) we reached Tintinalogy (Tintin).  

After we reached Tintin we checked out the river as some local knowledge in Wilcannia informed us there would be enough to paddle in and successfully be able to stay in the water to Menindee.   It turns out they were right so we set up camp on the side of the river where Steve would get back in the kayak in the morning and continue his way to Menindee.

Steve having a rest half way to
his destination for the day
Some colour for Rod
Steve having a chat with a local farmer from
Menindee (He was on his way back from
delivering the mail to Wilcannia)
The river at Tintinalogy
(Where Steve will get back on the on the water)
Uh Oh, sandhill coming

It was easier on the clay beside the
road than in the bulldust
Where Steve re-entered the river
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