Days 8 & 9 Report

.Days 8 & 9 - 3/6 & 4/6/07 - Toowoomba

Bruce's Report: Today was a huge day. Steve made four school visits in Toowoomba today. He visited Harristown State School, Harristown High, St Mary's and Rangeville State School. The team was impressed with the intelligent questions asked by students at all the schools.

Jenny Cobbin has to be congratulated for the wonderful job she has done in organising these visits.

During the day we found time to interview the Mayor of Toowoomba, Di Thorley and Kev Flanagan the City Engineer.

To end the day we had a very interesting interview with Bill Hogarth on the banks of Hodgson Creek near the headwaters of the Condamine River.

Steve's Report.
Sunday was World Environment Day in Annand Park on East Creek at Toowoomba. At the top of the range I followed East Creek from its source down to the park. This is the most easterly start of the Darling System in the area. It is also on the straight line connecting Brisbane to Adelaide so Kev Flanagan, City Engineer for Toowoomba reckons it is the most appropriate point to start the Darling Basin section of the trip.

Anyway, the Australian Water Association in conjunction with Toowoomba City Council put up a speakers' marquee and I spoke at it about my trip. There was a good roll up from our team and there were plenty of people who spoke to the team at our vehicle. The tent was only lightly attended but it was still a good thing to be part of.

Monday was a real rest day. No walking. This was good because it will give my achilles tendon a chance to recover. The interviews with Di Thorley, Kev Flanagan, and Bill Hogarth were really great but you will have to wait for the documentary when we finish to see what they had to say.

The four schools were a lot of fun and I loved talking to the kids. Some of the questions are really different and insightful. Jenny Cobbin has done a fantasic job organising the schools. We would love to talk to all the kids on the way but we would never get there if we tried that.

The K4E team at the World
Environment Day at Toowoomba
Bill Hogarth with Steve on the banks of
Hodgson Creek near the headwaters
of the Condamine River
Images by Bruce Lumb - Refer to copyright notice