All posts by Steve Posselt

Channel Crossing

Meeting at Rye Harbour the air was a crisp eight degrees and the sun was out. The wind was offshore but the horizon was a bit lumpy. This was the big day. I felt a very long way from home and that I had been away too long and missed my kids and grandkids too much. This is all about them and their generations though. The world has gone mad and we all need to understand how serious the problem is.

Two degrees warming is dangerous, perhaps catastrophic. CO2 poisoning is over 400ppm and we need to get back to 350ppm to be safe. The world will try to get agreement in Paris on only burning enough fossil fuels to limit warming to two degrees. Known reserves of fossil fuels are five times those required to keep warming below two degrees. The fossil fuel industry spends US$700B per year looking for more.

If these simple facts do not scare the living daylights out of you then you are not thinking.

The paddle across the ditch on the other side of the world reinforced all of this. It also reinforced the refugee issue which is huge in Europe and Britain at the moment. The Syrians who have lost everything, who despair, who die; this is the tip of the iceberg. Scientists have warned us for three decades that we would see unprecedented refugees from climate chaos. They warned us that even the average person would see that by 2015 the climate was becoming more extreme. The US military has long said that displaced persons posed the greatest world threat.

Should we be surprised then, that 1.5 million Syrian refugees displaced when their fertile lands turned to dry sand, congregated first on the outskirts of cities along with displaced Iraqis, and then fled to wherever they thought life was sustainable? Should we be surprised that this fomented extremism in the more radical, that something like ISIS formed? Maybe we should be surprised, but if we are told something is likely to happen and then it happens, it seems to me that to not connect is disingenuous.

Burnt feet in Canberra, mountainous seas with 20 knot onshore wind towards 100m high cliffs south of Sydney, fog and extreme currents going up a flooded Mississippi River, an enormous sense of achievement paddling past the statue of liberty in New York, and then paddling across England and on to France: wow! I feel humbled, tired and just a little angry that stupid, greedy people have made all of this necessary to me.

The paddle itself was a doddle, a walk in the park. It was legal, it was safe and it was easy because I was aided by Full Throttle, a small company specialising in escorting paddlers across the channel. The French side was overcast and cool and the water a lot rougher but it was fine. The big issue was understanding just how fast the current moves up and down the coast. Seeing it first hand made me understand that the trip down to the mouth of  the Seine  needs to be timed with the tides.

Au revoi for now

Ready to goReady to go at Rye

LoadingLoading the kayak  to go to Dungeness

Starting with calm seas, follow the sun (and the boat ahead)2015-09-13 12.53.01

My guess of the routeCrossing Route

Nice day hereDover in the background

France – from the cockpit2015-09-13 17.38.02

Paddling into Boulogne, FranceEntering Boulonge


The tide was still coming in when I left the last lock at Richmond. Portage was dead easy with bays and ramps set up and even rollers to take a boat up or down the incline. None of this was needed though because the difference in water levels was only about 20cm.

A group of young guys was sitting on a bench near the water. This was behind the fence at the edge of the park. Their bicycles were on the pathway just above the water which was about 5m up the grass. Paddling down the river I saw many benches with water around them, even water into a car park, and still the tide came in. It took an hour to change and by that time I was 5km downstream.

A boatshed was surrounded by racing kayaks. At the pontoon out front four girls were balanced in a K4 so I asked them if it was usual to have six inches of water in their boat shed. They said it wasn’t usual but at the same time it is not unusual. About half a kilometre further there was someone having a drink in a beer garden. They were sitting cross legged on a chair with ankle deep water underneath them. Next door a shop had a board inserted into the doorway to prevent the river from going in.

Given the fact that the tidal barrier was built in the late 1970s to stop this I was most surprised to find such significant flooding. Apparently Saturday, still four days away, is being described as Supermoon Saturday when there will be lots of flooding on the Thames caused by “the pull of the moon”. If the barrier needs to be built higher what is going on here? Either London is sinking or the sea level is rising. People just seem to accept the situation as normal though and just adapt. Is this what will happen all over the world as the sea inexorably rises? There will be a time when this becomes impossible but when will that be? How far does water have to rise before buildings and roads are abandoned?

The plan was to paddle to Chelsea where the London Kayak Club has a pontoon. The gate to the pontoon was locked but it is only 1m high and therefore no problem to slide the kayak over it. We had tried contacting the club with only recorded messages and no-one called back. When I was about 5km away I called Jools who was struggling to find the place. Luckily I spotted a large ramp which had rowing and boating clubs at the top of it. I hauled the kayak out, went to the closest street running down towards the embankment and called Jools who put it into the car GPS. It was supposed to be only 10 minutes drive from where she was, but it took about 40 minutes in the London traffic. It all turned out for the better with easy access for both car and kayak.

Next morning we moved the van from Staines to Abbey Wood caravan park which is about 10 minutes from the boat ramp at Erith, the next stop after Putney. This took all day but it also allowed more planning and to get for an early start to catch the tide.

Up at 4.50am and ready to hit Putney at 7.00am. We drove away from the van and got to the park exit. The gate was shut. Padlocked. Three metre high steel gates barred our exit. It was my fault, they had said you could not get the car back in between 10.00pm and 8.00am but I just hadn’t thought that we couldn’t get out because I had seen that the car exit barrier was up and didn’t work. I just didn’t think of giant security gates being locked. That’s the problem with being in another country I guess. You just don’t understand how it all works until you see it.

With no leeway in the paddling schedule it was time to re-think. To actually work out the three day plan for Putney to the end of the Thames estuary had taken a lot of work using tide charts and Google Earth. There was only one answer if I had any chance of paddling to Dungeness in time for the channel crossing, go backwards through London. This was not palatable but there have been so many trip changes, shattered plans and disappointments that one becomes immune and rolls with the punches. So the day was to be Erith, through the Thames barrier and paddle up to Putney.

There was a benefit in this. We could go to a Three store and get more data for the portable hot spot. Ten gigabytes per month was obviously not enough. The problem with the plan is that it is not in my name. I don’t have a UK credit or debit card so the cost would have been $150 per month for 12GB. We put it in Trevor’s name which cost $25 per month for 10GB and I gave him cash for six months after which time he will cancel the plan.

I had tried calling Three when the data ran out during the night but their lines shut at 8.00pm. A major problem since the start of the trip has been phones and internet. So far it has been a lot better in the UK than the USA but in both places I have been amazed at the number of areas where there has been no coverage. We do pretty well in Australia given our much lower population density.

So it was off to Three to get some more data. I guess that is when the real trouble started for the day although one may think it was when we found the gate locked until 8.00am and I needed to start at Putney around 7.00am. It took an hour on the phone to establish that the data plan for the mobile hot spot had a limit of 10GB per month that could not be added to. The rollover date would be 27th September which means that I had used 10GB in the preceding week. I can’t accept that this was possible as I had done nothing different to previous weeks, in fact uploads to the web site were less. All of this had to be done on the store phone. I was offered a new plan of 20GB with a twelve month contract at just five pounds more per month. Because I will be out of here in a couple of months this was not palatable. Luckily the store had one pre-paid sim card left that had 1GB on it at a cost of 10 pounds. I bought that, and then went to the newsagent to buy a twenty pound top up voucher. You can’t top up at the Three store when you buy the sim. We headed back to the caravan to put the new sim in and do the top up. The web site was down so no top up. It was the next day that I managed to get on the site but the options did not include 20 pounds even though that was the value of the voucher I had bought. I chose 3GB for 15 pounds. Two hours in the shop, another hour farting about and really an unsatisfactory outcome. The one positive was that the staff in the Three shop were as helpful as they could be. It is the Three system, no doubt thought up by clever high paid people to find ways to frustrate the customer into committing to higher payments

Given the situation with the tides we decided that I would paddle back up to Putney starting at Erith which is downstream of Greenwhich. The wind was from the north west at about 15 knots. This made the water a bit choppy so I had the skirt on but no jacket. After two hours I rang Jools to say that I was on time and would be at Putney between 4.30 and 5.00pm. Just after that the river traffic started to increase markedly and I would be barrelling along at 12km/hr and then smack through a wave that would bring the kayak to a juddering halt.

It was a bit tricky watching in front and behind. Ships, tugs with barges, sailing boats, boats of one form or another about one kilometre apart on average, kept overtaking my little kayak. My course, as is my wont, was to take the inside line on bends to get the shortest distance so after every bend I crossed the channel. Green and red were on the same side as Australia which felt more familiar than the US “right, red, right.”

Around Greenwich the traffic increased with high speed river cats, cross river car ferries, cocktail cruise boats and fast adventure joyride boats. In the middle of this was the odd tug pulling a couple of barges. Between Tower Bridge and Westminster the traffic seemed to cover about a quarter of the river surface. At the London Eye a tourist cruiser was about to pull out. I waited for him to go but the skipper came and waved me across in front of him. “Thanks mate” I called. “You need to go to the other side here or they will pull ya,” he shouted. With boats everywhere I bolted across the river and was about to go behind a ferry coming towards me that suddenly changed direction. Behind me another ferry gave long blasts on the horn, presumably to the one in front that changed direction and hopefully not at me. I slipped under Westminster Bridge carefully staying near the pylons where only a kayak could fit just as the police launch passed me.

The traffic thinned and the wind dropped until the next bend. The water felt as warm as a bath. It probably wasn’t though, so that meant the wind chill on my hands was significant. With all of the activity and wave action there had been no chance to eat or drink but I was running late. I didn’t want to arrive after 5.00pm so I continued my mad sprint to Putney.

Pulling in at 5.05pm the tide was about a metre below the top of the boat ramp. I had sprinted for four hours. Getting out, walking, and loading the kayak were all problematic as my extremities were cold and nothing seemed to work properly. We loaded up, parked the car on the high side of the embankment road and headed to the nearest pub.

On the way Jools chatted up a bloke with a young child looking at the water rising and found him to be French. She has a talent for picking them I reckon. Anyway, we were sitting in the pub a bit later watching the water come over the embankment when he came up to our table. His name is Gregoire and he was concerned that it was our car that had been left on the top of the ramp and was about to get very wet. We thanked him and said we were fine, but never missing an opportunity we told him about the trip and asked him to remember kayak4earth. He asked if we were going to COP21! That was the first person who had mentioned the climate summit’s real name.

Next day this was in my in box.

Dear Steve

 I hope you enjoyed your dinner as you must need a lot pf energy after all this journey and until its end.

We were sorry to disturb but so glad to meet you.

On the way back home, I explained your project to my son and shown him maps from your blog.

He just say:”I met a hero today.” I must agree with this.

All the best 

Gregoire (the French guy worrying about the car)

When I read it I was emotionally drained, had damaged muscles around my ribcage that affected my breathing and was getting ready to cross the English Channel. His email almost brought tears to my eyes. This is the sort of reward that comes occasionally and makes it all seem worthwhile. Thank you Gregoire.

Portage at the Richmond Lock. This would have flooded out at high tide1

Some lads down to watch the water come in2

Boards on the bottoms of the doors3

Beer garden with a difference. Tuck your feet up, stay under the brolly and enjoy your beer. Are these English people a bit daft or wot??4

Quite a lot of of these. It says  CLEANING THE RIVER TOGETHER5

Starting from Erith. It is impossible to walk across this mud6

The ships were only small like this one7

Cross river vehicle ferry8

Tug with two barges in tow. Much less horsepower than the Mississippi9

Thames Tidal Barrier10

Greenwich Millennium Dome?11

The back eddy around this hulk was strong and rough12

Greenwich Naval Museum?13

Tower Bridge14

I seem to remember a harmonics issue from pedestrians and they closed it just after it opened but I might be wrong15

London Eye16

Big Ben and Westminster17

Grassed roof18

Putney embankment. Ramp is behind the sign with the circle19


UK 11

Catch up time after making some errors in distance. Past Windsor Castle and all the way to the last lock in the Thames  so now it is a matter of watching the tides. Tidal range coming into London is about 7m so it is important to get the tides right.

There is a possibility that I am getting a wee bit tired of being wet and cold. Not that I have anything against the weather here, it is just that it is better suited to the English than me.

You will note the images are not too flash because of the drops on the lens. I did try to wipe them off with wet gloves but success was limited.

Lock keeper would not let me into the lock and portage arrangements left a lot to be desiredIMG_1403

Nice blokes invited me into the lock. “So did you want to talk about the cricket?” “Sorry mate, what’s cricket?IMG_1409


That was easyIMG_1412


Maidenhead2015-09-06 15.58.31


Perfect portage arrangement2015-09-06 22.04.47


Lots of houses on pontoons. Can’t really call them house boats2015-09-06 21.58.31


Windsor Castle. The Queen was home but I was in a hurry2015-09-06 17.35.48



UK 10

Nice start. This was the theatre restaurant we went toIMG_1397

More solar panels2015-09-05 18.09.38

The boats pass me on the Thames rather than me passing them2015-09-05 18.20.25

Now this is a portage fit for kayakers2015-09-05 18.31.16

Lots of people on the river today2015-09-05 18.40.36

Quite few sailing clubs2015-09-05 18.45.52

Maybe on an island like this you see what the original vegetation was2015-09-05 18.55.34

As opposed to an island like this2015-09-05 19.48.41

This pair was just tootling about and wanted a photo2015-09-05 19.04.47

Henley, I think2015-09-05 19.26.28

The rowing course is bigger than I thought2015-09-05 19.32.55

Close race.2015-09-05 19.37.55

This boatshed has to be OLD2015-09-05 20.24.08

Because it is a holiday weekend people just gather in fields2015-09-05 20.34.56

If you have to ask the price you can’t afford it2015-09-05 20.44.40

What do you want boats like this for way up here?2015-09-05 21.41.52

Here he comesIMG_1393

I like this oneIMG_1382

But maybe thisIMG_1386

For the press:

Mayor of Runnymede, Derek Cotty, met Australian adventurer Steve Posselt at the Queen Elizabeth II statute on the bank of the Thames at Runnymede Pleasure Grounds. Posselt is currently paddling across England on his way to the COP21 Climate Summit in Paris. At 62 he thinks this might be his last big adventure, but he has many tales to tell about the trip so far like the wild Mississippi in flood, huge seas off the coast of Australia and fierce heat which melted his shoes near Canberra.

His trip, Connecting Climate Chaos, is really a mission to preserve the rights of his grandchildren and the children of the current generation to inherit a healthy planet. He believes that it is our moral obligation to do so.

Posselt sees this site as probably the most important on his trip. The Magna Carta, signed in 1215 was the start of recognition of rights and he believes that 800 years later we are jeopardising the rights of future generations, exactly opposite to the direction of King John.

Steve is a civil engineer and talks about risk and the fact that until now we have been quite risk averse, opting to insure ourselves against unlikely events such as our house burning down and yet we seem willing to toss a coin and hope the planet will support our children.

He will be crossing the English Channel around 7th September, weather permitting. Follow his journey on


UK 9

22 miles, 22 locks, finished at a theatre restaurant called The Mill. Jools, being of drama leaning, had us at the show that night.  Bit chick oriented but entertaining and a bit of fun. Back to van at 11.30pm, asleep 11.31pm. No text again, just pics.

Apparently there are eight of these horses around (on the hill above the white house). This one is near Devizes.2015-09-03 18.12.42

Mayor of Devizes: Roger Giraud-Saunders. Note that I am getting rid of books. There is a trick to this photo but you will have to read my next book to see something a bit unusual about Roger, but we sort of have experienced something in common. Roger, like the mayor of Reading, thinks Climate Change is a much better term than “Global Warming”. Their reasoning is sound but different.2015-09-03 22.03.58

Roger is a mechanical/marine engineer so he was drawn to this steam boat2015-09-03 22.07.04

Gillian was with the steam boat team. She looks normal but…  in 1988 in a K2 she won the Devizes to Westminster kayak race in 22 hrs. It includes 76 locks. 2015-09-03 22.13.45

The bridges are getting lower2015-09-02 16.54.29

This is the heavy end of the small swing bridges2015-09-02 17.24.26

I just liked this as a picture2015-09-02 18.41.31

Lots of sections of Kennet River with flows sometimes over 1 knot2015-09-02 18.55.00

I did try to get under but my back hit so I had to go around2015-09-02 19.16.59

Boat yard2015-09-02 19.24.17

Same place. You can see what the bottoms look like2015-09-02 19.24.30

The big ones that trucks drive over have rails for the heavy end2015-09-02 19.32.50

Good to stop slipping but murder on a kayak bottom2015-09-02 19.38.32

Note the number. I had to negotiate 100 locks on the canal to get here2015-09-02 20.39.54

Not again! No spray skirt with me either.2015-09-02 21.21.54

Another kayak friendly lock!2015-09-02 21.48.46

And look what’s on the downstream side2015-09-02 21.51.18

Coming into Reading2015-09-02 22.18.28

Approaching city centre2015-09-02 22.30.22

Kids’ carnival area2015-09-02 22.31.29

Jurassic mini golf2015-09-02 22.31.45

This area used to be a bus station2015-09-02 22.32.11

Escorts2015-09-02 22.48.47

Looking backwards to where the canal enters the Thames. It is coming in on the left.2015-09-02 22.50.54

The Thames River2015-09-02 22.51.18

Mayor Sarah Hacker. Switched on climate wise but doesn’t like the term “global warming” because she says Britain will not be warmer if the Gulf Stream stops. She is well switched on and prefers “Climate Change”2015-09-03 15.54.25

Where we had coffee. Great little spot. Whittington’s Canal Boat Cafe2015-09-03 16.29.32





UK 8

Lost the camera that took these. Found it where I had put it. No data for internet. No data for phone. This morning all good so a rushed post and off to paddle.

Meeting the Mayor of NewburyMayor 2

 Jools, Mayor Howard Bairstow, The Tall One, Lady Mayoress Jo DayMayor 2

 A flotillaIMG_1370

There were about a dozen of these guys in a fishing group with their special buggies holding their equipment including seats 2015-09-01 20.18.12

 Not sure what’s coming here. Look closely to see the rope from the boat2015-09-01 19.50.42

Now you can see the rope better 2015-09-01 19.51.30

One horse power2015-09-01 19.51.20

 That blue stuff is the sky. Remember.2015-09-01 19.25.15

Styles are just great for kayakers’ muscles2015-09-01 20.54.51

Pirates!2015-09-01 18.25.43

So there are places to shoot ’em 2015-09-01 18.52.30

I like going through these places. There are always pubs there2015-09-01 18.12.48

UK 7

Thirteen degrees and showers. I’m sure glad it is summer.

Had some maintenance to do in the morning so didn’t start until after mid-day. Was on track for a 5.30pm finish until the locks started in earnest. Finished at 6.45pm after dragging around about 30 locks in 20 miles. The back wheels got loose from all the ups and downs so it was nice that they didn’t fall off.

Lots of comments from boaters about the weather. One bloke was on his own and had to drive the boat and operate the locks. Not sure how long a lock takes like that but must be close to half an hour. Add that up and it is pretty slow progress.

I decided that if I couldn’t see the next lock I would paddle to it even if someone said it was close. Believe nothing is my motto now. One bloke assured me that it was a “good hour” of paddling to the next lock. It was ten minutes!

With all the heaving and dragging on top of paddling quickly my muscles get just a wee bit sore. That’s all fine as long as the crook shoulder holds up. I have been getting more pain in the upper arm just below the shoulder which is where my referred pain point is for the glenoid. It is not too bad but normally paddling helps rather than hinders the injury.

Anyway, it all makes for going to sleep pretty quickly. We got back at 9.00pm and I reckon at 9.01 I was pushing up zeds.

Lovely day for a paddleIMG_1362

Not raining2015-08-31 18.17.29

Another Barge Inn. Witty the Poms eh.2015-08-31 17.35.30

The start of many locks2015-08-31 19.36.03

The only entry without stinging nettles2015-08-31 19.42.15

The white boat is number 10 out of 18 for the day2015-08-31 20.01.07

Woops, forgot the torch2015-08-31 20.17.51

It’s only half a kilometre long2015-08-31 20.18.15

Last lock going up. Don’t like the high walls.2015-08-31 20.34.02

At the top. All down from here2015-08-31 20.38.55

Next lock in the distance2015-08-31 20.55.35

The train line is always close. Probably because canals and trains follow the contours2015-08-31 21.06.36

And another one. About 30 locks for the day2015-08-31 21.30.46

Not kayak friendly2015-08-31 21.48.47

6.30pm coming into Hungerford2015-08-31 23.29.05

UK 7

Thirteen degrees and showers. I’m sure glad it is summer.

Had some maintenance to do in the morning so didn’t start until after mid-day. Was on track for a 5.30pm finish until the locks started in earnest. Finished at 6.45pm after dragging around about 30 locks in 20 miles. The back wheels got loose from all the ups and downs so it was nice that they didn’t fall off.

Lots of comments from boaters about the weather. One bloke was on his own and had to drive the boat and operate the locks. Not sure how long a lock takes like that but must be close to half an hour. Add that up and it is pretty slow progress.

I decided that if I couldn’t see the next lock I would paddle to it even if someone said it was close. Believe nothing is my motto now. One bloke assured me that it was a “good hour” of paddling to the next lock. It was ten minutes!

With all the heaving and dragging on top of paddling quickly my muscles get just a wee bit sore. That’s all fine as long as the crook shoulder holds up. I have been getting more pain in the upper arm just below the shoulder which is where my referred pain point is for the glenoid. It is not too bad but normally paddling helps rather than hinders the injury.

Anyway, it all makes for going to sleep pretty quickly. We got back at 9.00pm and I reckon at 9.01 I was pushing up zeds.

Lovely day for a paddleIMG_1362

Not raining2015-08-31 18.17.29

Another Barge Inn. Witty the Poms eh.2015-08-31 17.35.30

The start of many locks2015-08-31 19.36.03

The only entry without stinging nettles2015-08-31 19.42.15

The white boat is number 10 out of 18 for the day2015-08-31 20.01.07

Woops, forgot the torch2015-08-31 20.17.51

It’s only half a kilometre long2015-08-31 20.18.15

Last lock going up. Don’t like the high walls.2015-08-31 20.34.02

At the top. All down from here2015-08-31 20.38.55

Next lock in the distance2015-08-31 20.55.35

The train line is always close. Probably because canals and trains follow the contours2015-08-31 21.06.36

And another one. About 30 locks for the day2015-08-31 21.30.46

Not kayak friendly2015-08-31 21.48.47

6.30pm coming into Hungerford2015-08-31 23.29.05

UK 6

Lovely English weather again today. Fifteen degrees and raining, sometimes almost stopped, sometimes heavy but enough to remind one of where one is on a summer day. They need the odd cricket win to brighten up their life I reckon.

The Caen Hill locks are famous. I didn’t count them but there are a lot, more than twenty. It was 4km to walk around them but it would take all day to get a boat up or down I reckon.

Not much to report. Not a lot of activity on the river, maybe passed a dozen or so narrow boats on the move, all with umbrellas up.

Short day for me because we did a fair bit on the computer with mayors and trying to get media. It was pouring and I was cold when I quit at 1.30pm. Tomorrow it should get up to 19 degrees and just showers. Hooray!

Think I’ll go while the rain has stoppedIMG_1354

Jools photographing. Neat roof racks on the Audi eh!2015-08-30 15.33.05

Behind the bridge is Caen Hill that the locks go up2015-08-30 15.50.39

4km to the top2015-08-30 15.54.45

Through Devizes, nice gardens. Shame about that bloke’s fingers2015-08-30 16.52.18

Still in Devizes2015-08-30 16.52.26

Good to see the solar panels2015-08-30 17.00.43

A lot of narrow bits today2015-08-30 17.12.50

Looks nice and cozy (and out of the rain)2015-08-30 17.20.28

Quite a few small swing bridges. Glad I fit underneath.2015-08-30 18.08.36



UK 5

Heavy rain at the start so like a sook I sat in the car until it eased a bit. I put the skirt and my rain jacket on before I got out. Jools had something to say but I think it might have been derogatory and about my intelligence, so I have deleted the conversation from my memory.

Unfortunately the canal splits off from the city before the centre so I missed the famous view of the Avon River running over the weir in town. The first canal was a bit of a chore. I couldn’t fit into the lock because the two narrow boats filled it. The bonus was that when I managed to get out, get up the hill, cross over a busy road and then get back onto the canal path I kept going around quite few locks.  The narrow boats would have been an hour behind.

The canal went around Bath and hung onto the side of the hill. Unbelievably it then crossed the valley to be perched on the opposite side. I’m told that aqueduct is nothing compared to the big ones.

At Bradford-on-Avon I had a problem where I would have had to negotiate a beer garden and cross a busy road to get to the first lock. Luckily some kind merrymakers turned up and I raced into the lock after them to raise me up. They were on a day boat hire from Bath and were going between pubs but drinking in between as well. A bloke from Hobart was in their team.

The batteries ran out on the GPS at 19.5 miles but it was less than an hour to the finish at the Foxhanger marina. Never ask anyone where you are, how far it is to where you are going, or how many locks there are. You will get a different answer from everyone and most probably none will be right!

Coming into Bath2015-08-29 14.57.05

Near the centre just before the Kennet and Avon Canal starts2015-08-29 14.59.48

The start of the canal. All good except nowhere easy for kayakers2015-08-29 15.03.51

Next lock I thought I was in but no room for me.2015-08-29 15.17.35

It worked out better because there were about six locks and I just walked around once I had crossed the busy road.2015-08-29 15.26.29

Modern construction blends in well2015-08-29 16.02.07

His and hers British red.2015-08-29 16.04.40

Just another one to pass2015-08-29 16.07.45

That’s a good park. Not!2015-08-29 16.21.02

Plenty of cranes like this2015-08-29 16.44.20

This is an aqueduct to the other side of the valley2015-08-29 16.57.15

From the aqueduct. That’s a railway line under the canal as well as the Avon River2015-08-29 17.00.03

Look at the tree line, you can see it is the side of a hill2015-08-29 17.28.27

That’s a bit like how I feel mate, just a wee bit wet. 2015-08-29 17.28.46

Canal with a view2015-08-29 17.29.23

Kevin and Peter. Peter is Irish, Kevin apologised for the cricket.2015-08-29 17.43.33

No idea what these are. Maybe to slide kayaks out of the canal? Sure.2015-08-29 18.03.39

Into the Bradford lock with the party boat2015-08-29 18.30.01

Near the top of another set2015-08-29 20.12.14

View from the canal2015-08-29 20.14.09

Another swing bridge2015-08-29 20.20.44

Yeah, yeah, OK pretty boy2015-08-29 20.36.13

This is the Barge Inn. Get it? Clever eh!2015-08-29 20.52.05